
中亿财经网 gengxing 2023-06-01 17:10:09

1. 英语agriculture算不算一种industry?

Industry: 工业,产业······jnV中亿财经网财经门户

Industry(工业)is the production of a good or servicejnV中亿财经网财经门户

(within an economy). jnV中亿财经网财经门户

Agriculture(农业)is the cultivation of animals, plants, andjnV中亿财经网财经门户

other life forms (for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinals and otherjnV中亿财经网财经门户


Classification ofjnV中亿财经网财经门户




This involves thejnV中亿财经网财经门户

extraction of resources directly from the Earth; this includesfarming, mining and logging. They send it off tojnV中亿财经网财经门户

factories to make a profit.jnV中亿财经网财经门户



This group is involved injnV中亿财经网财经门户

the processing products from primary industries. This includesjnV中亿财经网财经门户

all factories—those that refine metals, produce furniture, or packjnV中亿财经网财经门户

farm products such as meat.jnV中亿财经网财经门户

Tertiary第三产业 (相当于商业)jnV中亿财经网财经门户

This group is involved injnV中亿财经网财经门户

the delivery and sale of goods. They include truck drivers and retailjnV中亿财经网财经门户

workers, for example.jnV中亿财经网财经门户


This group is involved injnV中亿财经网财经门户

the research of science and technology and other high level tasks.jnV中亿财经网财经门户

They include scientists, doctors, and lawyers.jnV中亿财经网财经门户

Quinary Sector第五产业jnV中亿财经网财经门户

Some consider there to bejnV中亿财经网财经门户

a branch of the quaternary sector called the quinary sector, whichjnV中亿财经网财经门户

includes the highest levels of decision making in a society orjnV中亿财经网财经门户

economy. This sector would include the top executives or officials injnV中亿财经网财经门户

such fields as government, science, universities, nonprofit,jnV中亿财经网财经门户

healthcare, culture, and the media.jnV中亿财经网财经门户

There are many otherjnV中亿财经网财经门户

different kinds of industries.jnV中亿财经网财经门户

综上所述,意思为产业时肯定包括农业。 jnV中亿财经网财经门户

2. 物务业是什么意思?


3. 什么是创业者及其产业生产 生存和发展的基础 是创业活动的基本条件?

对于投身商海的人来说。创业是一个梦想,有关专家总计的创业的七大必备条件。于大家一起分享。 1、充分的资源(Resources),包括人力和财力。创业者要具备充分的经验、学历、流动资金、时间、精神和毅力; 2、可行的概念(Ideas)生意概念不怕旧,最重要的可行,有长久性、可以继续开发、扩展; 3、适当的基本技能(Skils),不是行业中的一般技能,而是通常性的企业管理技能; 4、有关行业的知识(Knowledge)不能只陶醉于自己的理想; 5、才智(Interlligence)创业者不一定要有高智商,但要能够善于把握时机去作出明确的决定; 6、网络和关系(Network),创业者许亚爱有人帮助和支持,不断扩大朋友网络和打好人际关系会带来不少方便; 7、确定的目标(God). 非常巧的是,将七个条件的首个英语字母串在一起,恰好串在一起,恰好是“RISKING”(冒险)一词,这也反映出创业的风险。jnV中亿财经网财经门户

4. 信产和非信产是什么意思?


