
中亿财经网 gengxing 2023-05-27 12:50:16

1. 新能源英文简称?


新能源(New Energy)的英文缩写是NE。汽车的英文单词为car,无缩写,新能源汽车(new energy automobile的英文缩写是NEA。znl中亿财经网财经门户

2. 关于汽车新能源的英语作文?

Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility znl中亿财经网财经门户

Now,the pollution already has become the globalization question.The air,Haihe river,the soil pollution extremely is all harmful to the humanity and the zoology and botany znl中亿财经网财经门户

For example,because present automobile more and more many,therefore the waste gas discharges also day by day increases,as the matter stands our air is polluted extremely seriously,this is extremely harmful to our health.Also,the water source under ours destruction,the pollution extremely is also serious,again like this gets down our humanity to be able to perish.znl中亿财经网财经门户

For our humanity,therefore we must adopt the effective action antipollution,the purification environment,protects the ecological equilibrium.For example,we may the afforestation prevent soil erosion.We may develop the new energy and so on.Environmental protection everybody has a responsibility.znl中亿财经网财经门户

3. 新能源的英文缩写是什么?汽车的英文缩写是什么?

指非传统能源,如煤炭、石油、核能类的产品。新能源,如果直接翻译成为英语,当然就是New Energy Resources,简写就是:NER。可是这种所谓新能源,是说传统能源会污染地球、破坏地球环境,所以一般的新能源,就是风力、水力发电等等环保能源,英文是Environmental Protection Resources,简写就是:EPR。这里可以不用Power这个词,因为Resources已经可以充分表达! 汽车的英文是Car,没有人会用缩写的。如果你说的是Limousine,它的简称是Limo而不是缩写。znl中亿财经网财经门户


4. 介绍化石能源英语作文?

Fossil energy is a non-renewable energy, is the ancient energy, into a long time before the accumulation of energy. We need to protect fossil energy. znl中亿财经网财经门户