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中亿财经网 xiaohf 2023-09-30 11:06:38




1. 传销背景和定义



2. 龙岩传销现状




3. 如何避免传销


  • 保持警惕:对于那些承诺高额回报、低风险、迅速致富的机会要保持警惕,不要盲目相信。
  • 了解法律法规:了解国家和地区对传销的法律法规,避免参与非法活动,同时提高自己的法律意识。
  • 多方求证:对于某种机会或组织,多方面收集信息,了解其背景和信誉度。
  • 相信科学:对于宣称具有神奇功效的产品,要保持理性思考,相信科学和证据。
  • 教育宣传:加强对传销的宣传和教育,提高公众的认识和警觉性。



What is the current situation of pyramid schemes in Longyan city?yxS中亿财经网财经门户

Pyramid schemes (also known as multi-level marketing, direct selling, network marketing) have always been a controversial and questioned topic. Whether in big cities or small towns, there may be individuals or organizations engaging in this illegal activity behind the scenes. So, what is the situation of pyramid schemes in Longyan city today? Let's take a look at the relevant information.yxS中亿财经网财经门户

1. Background and Definition of Pyramid Schemes

As the name suggests, a pyramid scheme is a business model that relies on the interpersonal relationships between members to generate profits through developing downlines, selling products, or joining fees. It typically operates in a structure resembling a pyramid, where the top-level participants gain the highest profits while the earnings decrease as it goes down the hierarchy. Furthermore, pyramid schemes often employ deceptive tactics to attract new members and maintain the loyalty of existing ones.yxS中亿财经网财经门户

The risk of pyramid schemes lies in the fact that their profit model primarily relies on continuously recruiting new members instead of generating income through genuine product sales. This means that once the number of participants stagnates or members leave, the profits of the entire organization will greatly decline, or even collapse. Additionally, many pyramid schemes involve illegal pyramid structures, violating laws and regulations in multiple countries and regions.yxS中亿财经网财经门户

2. Current Situation of Pyramid Schemes in Longyan City

Longyan is a prefecture-level city in Fujian Province, China, which unfortunately has become a hotspot for pyramid scheme activities. In recent years, due to its unique geographic location and economic conditions, Longyan city has become a suitable place for criminals to engage in pyramid schemes.yxS中亿财经网财经门户

According to statistics from the local police, a large number of pyramid schemes are discovered in Longyan city every year, and regular actions are taken to crackdown on these activities. These pyramid schemes often use various marketing techniques to attract young people to join, including exaggerating product effectiveness, promising high returns, and encouraging downline development. Unfortunately, many young people blindly join and ultimately fall into the trap of pyramid schemes.yxS中亿财经网财经门户

However, the Longyan city government and police have been committed to combating pyramid scheme activities. They have increased efforts to eradicate pyramid schemes and raised public awareness and vigilance through promotion and educational campaigns. Nevertheless, combating pyramid schemes still faces many challenges due to their secretive and mobile nature.yxS中亿财经网财经门户

3. How to Avoid Pyramid Schemes

Pyramid schemes cause serious economic and psychological harm to society and individuals. Therefore, we should learn how to avoid falling into the trap of pyramid schemes. Here are some suggestions:yxS中亿财经网财经门户

  • Stay vigilant: Be cautious of opportunities that promise high returns, low risks, and quick wealth, and do not believe blindly.
  • Understand laws and regulations: Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations regarding pyramid schemes in your country or region to avoid engaging in illegal activities and enhance your legal awareness.
  • Verify from multiple sources: Collect information from various sources about a certain opportunity or organization to understand their background and credibility.
  • Believe in science: Maintain a rational mindset when faced with products claiming mystical effects and trust in science and evidence.
  • Educate and raise awareness: Strengthen promotion and education about pyramid schemes to enhance public understanding and vigilance.

In conclusion, the current situation of pyramid schemes in Longyan city remains concerning, but the government and various sectors of society are taking action to combat this issue. As individuals, we should also be vigilant, learn to distinguish pyramid scheme traps, and prevent harm to ourselves and others. Only through collective efforts can we make our society healthier and more prosperous.yxS中亿财经网财经门户