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编辑:gengxing 2023-04-25 18:20:04 来源:
1. 新能源汽车技术简称?新能源(New Energy)的英文缩写是NE。汽车的英文单词为car,无缩写,新能源汽车(new energy automobile的英文缩写是NEA。新能源又称非常规能源。

1. 新能源汽车技术简称?

新能源(New Energy)的英文缩写是NE。汽车的英文单词为car,无缩写,新能源汽车(new energy automobile的英文缩写是NEA。yx7中亿财经网财经门户



2. BYD英文全称?

BYD的全称:build your dreams。yx7中亿财经网财经门户

比亚迪的英文名称BYD,比亚迪公司用其企业文化“build your dreams”来诠释。yx7中亿财经网财经门户

比亚迪LOGO在2007年已由蓝天白云的老标换成了只用三个字母和一个椭圆组成的标志了,BYD的意思是build your dreams ,即为成就梦想。yx7中亿财经网财经门户


3. dm和ev以及dmi是什么意思?

比亚迪的dm属于第1代混合动力系统,在这套系统里面,它是拥有电动驱动以及燃油驱动两条线路的,任何一条线路产生故障都不影响另一条线路的运行。而ev是属于纯电驱动。它的动力来源全部来源于新能源电池所提供的电量。 DMI超级混合动力系统是比亚迪新研发的混合动力系统。它主要是电路驱动,但是它有一个发动机可以通过燃烧燃油的方式来给电池充电。yx7中亿财经网财经门户

4. 新能源汽车英文缩写相关术语?


新能源(New Energy)的英文缩写是NE。汽车的英文单词为car,无缩写,新能源汽车(new energy automobile的英文缩写是NEA。yx7中亿财经网财经门户

5. 新能源的英文缩写是什么?汽车的英文缩写是什么?

指非传统能源,如煤炭、石油、核能类的产品。新能源,如果直接翻译成为英语,当然就是New Energy Resources,简写就是:NER。可是这种所谓新能源,是说传统能源会污染地球、破坏地球环境,所以一般的新能源,就是风力、水力发电等等环保能源,英文是Environmental Protection Resources,简写就是:EPR。这里可以不用Power这个词,因为Resources已经可以充分表达! 汽车的英文是Car,没有人会用缩写的。如果你说的是Limousine,它的简称是Limo而不是缩写。yx7中亿财经网财经门户


6. 新能源电动车是什么?

新能源电动汽车,英文:(New energy electric vehicles )新能源电动汽车的组成包括:电力驱动及控制系统、驱动力传动等机械系统、完成既定任务的工作装置等。电力驱动及控制系统是电动汽车的核心,也是区别于内燃机汽车的最大不同点。电力驱动及控制系统由驱动电动机、电源和电动机的调速控制装置等组成。yx7中亿财经网财经门户

7. 介绍新能源的优点的英语文章?

Development of new energy should be established as an important strategy for China to address energy shortage and environmental woes, Zhang Guobao, head of the National Energy Administration, said Saturday.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

To develop new sources of energy has become an important strategy for many countries to fight for a dominance in the combat against climate change, and China should closely follow global developments in this area, beef up R&D of new energy technologies, and invest more in the industry, said Zhang.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

"If we fail to address the development of new energy from a higher horizon, we will regret to find ourselves falling behind others within 10 years," said Zhang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).yx7中亿财经网财经门户

Zhang's advocation is echoed by Ouyang Minggao, who underlined the use of new-energy vehicles at the same plenary meeting of the top political advisory body.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

"The promotion of energy-efficient and new-energy vehicles is a necessary step in the country's energy development and in the revival of the auto industry," said Ouyang, a Tsinghua University professor.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

In China, coal makes up about 70 percent of its total energy consumption, 40 percentage points higher than the world average.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

The country is seeking the development of other energy sources than coal to shift its heavy reliance on coal and reduce pollution.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

Premier Wen Jiabao said in the government work report delivered to lawmakers Thursday that the country will "energetically develop a circular economy and clean energy."yx7中亿财经网财经门户

The country would promote R&D on technologies in new energy sources and develop clean energy such as nuclear, wind, and solar power this year, according to Wen's report.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

Yang Qi, honorary president of the Nuclear Power Institute of China and a CPPCC National Committee member, urged the country to develop new technologies to conserve energy and reduce emissions.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

He said the country is stressed by targets to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions, as the country is expected to initiate more projects under the huge 4-trillion-yuan stimulus plan.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

Premier Wen said Thursday the country's energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 4.59 percent from the previous year, chemical oxygen demand down by 4.42 percent, and sulfur dioxide emissions down by 5.95 percent.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

Over the past three years, total energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped by 10.08 percent, chemical oxygen demand down by 6.61 percent, and sulfur dioxide emissions down by 8.95 percent, according to the Premier.yx7中亿财经网财经门户

China aims to cut energy consumption for every 10,000 yuan (1,298 U.S. dollars) of GDP by 20 percent from 2006 to 2010, with emissions to drop 10 percent.yx7中亿财经网财经门户
