
中亿财经网 kefu03 2023-08-17 07:43:54


出口退税率至 14%。m8h中亿财经网财经门户

纺织业是中国的传统行业,也是中国对外依存度最高、实现国际化最早的产业之一。近 20年来我国纺织服装类产品的出口在全球的地位逐渐上升,中国纺织品的出口贸易在对外贸易中占有很重要的地位。据中国海关统计,2006 年全国纺织品服装出口 1440 亿美元,同比增长25.2%,占全国货物贸易出口的 14.9%。纺织品的出口对我国国民经济开展的影响越来越大。然而,自 2007年以来,受国际经济形式,以及国内政策环境的变化,纺织行业出口面临着巨大的挑战,出口增速开始放缓甚至有下降趋势。为了减轻纺织行盯掘业面临的经营压力,2021 年 7 月 30 日,财政部、国家税务总局联合下发通知,自 2021 年 8 月1 日起,局部纺织品、服装的出口退税率由 11%提高到 13%; 10 月 21 日又联合下发通知,决定自贺则慧 11月 1日起再次上调纺织禅答品服装出口退税率至 14%。3 个月内两次上调纺织品退税率,表现了国家对纺织行业的重视,有助于市场信心恢复,对于支持纺织企业和产品出口也将产生一定影响。m8h中亿财经网财经门户

江苏阳光股份有限公司纺织服装出口贸易现状与发展对策分析 摘 要:中国是纺织品出口大国,纺织

Jiangsu Sunshine Co., Ltd. textile and apparel export trade Situation Analysis and Development Strategym8h中亿财经网财经门户

Abstract: China is a major exporter of textiles, textile industry as labor-intensive industries, dependence on exports is relatively high, textile exports is also the second largest category, accounting for about 20% of China's foreign trade exports. In this paper, Jiangsu Sunshine Group, for example, the first domestic textile and apparel exports to the status quo for general analysis; secondly from rising production costs, the lack of independent brands, increased competition at home and abroad well-known enterprises, export product structure is irrational, electricity suppliers and other aspects of the impact of the impact of traditional industries Jiangsu Sunshine Co., the textile and garment exports in the status quo and the existing problems analysis; and finally, for the sustainable development of Jiangsu Sunshine textile and garment export trade from the establishment of the sunshine the whole industry chain, expand the sunshine brand awareness, strengthen in cooperation with well-known enterprises, improve the structure of export products, establish terms of the sunshine marketing network puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.m8h中亿财经网财经门户

Keywords: Jiangsu Sunshine Co., Ltd.; export trade; exsisting problems; textile and garment Development Strategym8h中亿财经网财经门户

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